Last weekend we had an activity with our teenagers from church. They were kidnapped and put in prison for 24 hours, no food only water. The prison was made in a separate section of a metal shop in an industrial area. There was no lighting, no furniture, no heat. They were regularly interrogated and had to do all kinds of things as 'punishment', like doing push ups or crawling through mud. The guards tried to manipulate and trick them into giving up their faith or selling out others in the group. The idea was to 'experience' a little bit what it's like to be persecuted because of your religion. We made it into a very serious competition kind of game. The teens had to find sponsors who'd give them money if they survived the 24 hours. The money will go to an organization that fights for persecuted christians.

I know it all sounds brutal but, allthough at the time it was hard, afterwards the teens loved it and were very proud of themselves that they survived and did not give in to the manipulation of the guards. They came out stronger, both individually and as a group.
I am so proud of my teens!