So we had our share of that. One thing I didn't expect in such a modern city was a Rodeo. I could have know of course, being in Texas 'n' all.
Unfortunately we couldn't stay until the real rodeo began, but we saw a lot of other things like a pig race, a shoot out between bandits and the sherrif and dirt bikers doing stunts. We had a corn dog and Guillaume got hooked on fried snickers.
How do you eat more then one? I could barely finish one fried snicker and man does your belly have a lot to process after that...
They race motorcross bikes at the rodeo?? Those two don't seem like they would go together.
I want to try those fried snickers! That sounds great!
I can't wait to see the photos from this week.
Hope you trip back was uneventful and that you made it o.k. We are anxious to see your pictures from your time in Southern California. It was great to see you. Would have like to spent a little more time with you but know your time was short and limited what you could see & do. Pray all is well with your job. Love, Grandma
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