Check up

Yesterday I had another check up. The baby's doing fine. The heart beat is good and the baby is about 20 cm long.
They did a blood test and I have type A neg. This means that there potentially is a risk of the so called rhesus factor. I'll get a rhesus D antigen injection at 30 weeks of pregnancy just as a precaution and that should take away any risk.
Also I'm experiencing pain in my pelvis which can be annoying but well worth it considering the end result. In 4 weeks I'll get another ultra sound and then they'll be able to tell if it's a boy or girl!


Steff said...

I'm so glad everything is going well and the baby is healthy so far. We have been thinking about you and praying for you... and waiting impatiently for any news that you post!! :) I can't wait to hear if it's a boy or a girl. Love you!

Marlies Clemens said...

So when are you due?
great that all is going well! And your right it is always worth it!