
Traditionally the period of fasting leading up to Easter (I believe it's called "Lent") is begun by a week of Carnaval. It starts with a parade with floats and marching bands. Everyone gets in costumes and after the parade they go to bars to have a big party that lasts about 4-5 days.


Here's a short impression of Guillaume's bowling skills.

Sunday morning

Just came across this pic I shot with my phone during youth service. This is a very typical pose for our teens on Sunday morning :)


This week I received news from my boss that the crisis is also affecting our company. They have to cut some costs. So now all employees with any kind of temporary contract are obligated to work less hours and thus get a cut in pay. Also they will not be giving any "normal" company contracts to the employees with temporary contracts anymore. They don't want to get rid of the good employees if they can help it. So that's why every temporary contract employee now has to work less hours and only gets a renewal of their temporary contract.

For me this also means I'll work less hours. Financially we can still cope and this is peanuts compared to people who have lost their jobs. But it does make me a bit worried about what will be next. Maybe I'm being naive but I really hope this is all that's needed to keep everyone at their jobs.
This is the first time I really like a job and it also has good career potential and I don't want to loose it. Now I'm supposed to have a little faith. And at times I do have faith... a little anyway. I just hope and pray that my job doesn't get taken away from me. So if you could remember us in your prayers that would be greatly appreciated.

Amberlin Elizabeth Warns

I want to say a big CONGRATULATIONS to my cousin Steffani and her husband Andy. Saturday, Febuary 7 she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Her name is Amberlin Elizabeth.


It's been a while since I've posted anything. We've been so busy lately with renovating the bathroom, planning our trip to the US, I started my new job, I won tickets to a mini concert and we also received happy news that Guillaume's sister is pregnant!
So there's lots of fun things going on.

The new bath tub has finally been delivered so now my father-in-law can get on with his work. Yeah! It still will take a while before it's finished since it's only being worked at on Saturdays. So even our temporary bathroom is out of service and we resort to family and friends' bathrooms :)

I like my new job. I still find it a bit difficult because of all the different types of mortgages and other stuff but that keeps it interesting for now. After an education of 4 weeks I had to do a test to actually get accepted. I scored a 7.8 (scale 1-10) so needless to say I was very pleased :)

And then of course there's this little baby boom going on it seems! I know at least 6 couples that are expecting a child and now Guillaume's sister is also 3 months pregnant :) I'm happy for her and pray that everything goes well.
Wow, we'll become aunt and uncle again! And man, am I gonna spoil those kids! I'd better get a second job ;)