Jessie Lynn Hanique

Monday 10-10-2011 our beautiful daughter Jessie Lynn arrived. She is 53,5 cm long (about 21.06 inches) and weighs 4260 grams (about 9.39 lbs). Jessie is doing great. She's getting the hang of breast feeding so that looks promising as well.

Amy loves her new sister. She wants to hold her a lot and give her kisses. Somehow in her mind she made a connection that her sister Jessie is small... just like our small car.... Not sure what the car has to do with anything :)

Well, I doubt I will have time to blog a lot the next couple of weeks. But here's the first photo of Jessie.

Inducing labor

I had another check up today. The baby is doing fine. I'm now 4 days late and since I'm experiencing pelvic pains that seem to get worse, they decided to induce labor.
Tomorrow - Friday - there's no space available. They only induce 3 women per day. But if one of those women that are scheduled for Friday goes into labor on her own, then it's my turn to be induced. Otherwise I will definitely be induced on Monday.

Chocolate chip pancakes - yummie!

3D ultrasound

A while ago we had a 3D ultrasound made. I never got around to posting them on the blog. But eventhough the ultrasound was made at 28 weeks pregnancy I still wanted to share it with everyone.

Mural in the nursery

Finally it's finished!


Amy, Tessa and Kim are all doing great. Amy and Tessa are best friends. Occasionally they'll fight a bit but that seems to be just one more of those developmental stages of being two years old.
Kim is growing very fast. She's very cute and almost always in a good mood, smiling and laughing to whom ever will take an interest.


Amy wants to do everything herself, including eating desert.

Amy's tattoo

Amy got hold of a pen and decided to use her legs and face as a canvas.

Intensely watching tv from the big chair

Nursery theme

I finally decided on the theme for the nursery. It was no easy task.

Sun glasses

Amy has new sun glasses. Cool!


Here's the ultrasound of the latest check up. I'm now 26 weeks pregnant and everything is going well. The baby's measurements are one week ahead of schedule. Unfortunately that doesn't mean she will arrive one week earlier :-)

4landenrit - 4 countries tour

This weekend we had our annual 4 countries tour. We had a great time driving on small country roads through beautiful scenery (sorry forgot my camera!).
After 2 days of driving non-stop I'm really tired and having a hard time keeping up with the normal life routine. But it was worth it. It's a good think this tour is just once a year :)

And now, back to normal life with a 19 month old toddler.

Annalie Noel Warns

On June 8th my cousin Steffani and her husband Andy became the proud parents of a new baby girl. Her name is Annalie Noel. Congratulations guys!

The AAA being towed

Let's hope the tow car doesn't break down ;-)

Watering the flowers


Today Michelle and Marc became the proud parents of a new baby girl and Tessa got a baby sister. Her name is Kim.
She is too cute and so precious!

Amy pushing the stroller

It's a girl!

I had an ultrasound today and they told us we'll be having another girl! We are very excited.

Here's two pictures. The first is the face and the second one is a leg. Use your imagination :-)


Happy Easter

In the Netherlands we have 2 days to celebrate Easter. It is a bit much but when you have kids it's great because they get to search for eggs at grandparents' places 2 days in a row :)
We had some great weather. It was hot enough to let Amy play with water.

Relax dude!


Amy really enjoyed the sand. She was not so amused when we had to go home.

I am NOT tired!

Amy didn't want to go to bed. Every time I asked her if she was tired she shook her head NO. This is how I found her five minutes later.

Tessa rocks

I see a future in the rock scene.

Laid back watching tv

Amy never sits in a chair the right way. She always takes on a really relaxed, laid back position. Regardless what chair she is in.

Trying on mommy's shoes

Practicing sitting down

Carnaval 2011

It's carnaval (similar to Mardi Gras). Amy transformed into Little Red Riding Hood and Tessa was a very cute Dalmatian puppy.
All the guys were dressed up to be English gentlemen and I was a simple farmers girl.