
Yesterday, September 23rd, I became an aunt. My brother Michael and his wife Marie had a beautiful baby girl.
Her name is Ella.

Check out their blog for more pictures liftmike.blogspot.com


Last night I was at 't Schuurtje. It's an old garage which we re-decorated. I go there every Monday to meet friends and do bible study and discussion.

The topic last night was Emotions. Are you in control of your emotions or are you a victim of your emotions? Are your emotions in line with how Jesus would react?

I think you can't really help your initial emotion when things happen. But you can change the way you cope with your emotions. Is it a bad thing to be angry at someone who hurt you? Not neccessarily, it just depends on if you try to forgive or keep a grudge. We can't control our initial emotions but we can control how we deal with them. We need to try to get our emotions in line with what Jesus told us to do. If you try to be concious about that you will learn to develop a second nature of reacting the way we're supposed to.

The nice thing about this is that, eventhough it seems to be rules that are annoying and frustrating, it is actually set up as a manual to be the best you can be. If we don't keep to the manual we will breake (e.g. anger will just eat you up inside, you keep yourself hostage). But if we use our lives in the way the manual says, we really get to grow and rise above and be free to be who God made us to be.

Okay, this was just a thought I needed to share. Hope it helps someone :)


Last weekend we had an activity with our teenage group from church. We went to play 'boerengolf', which litterally means farmers golf. It's a competition in groups. You take turns at swinging at a small football with a club thats made of a wooden shoe on a stick and try to get it in the next hole in as little swings as possible. The group with the least swings wins and get a prize: a kiss from a cow!
Needless to say I've never been more proud of my group NOT winning until now :)

Funny T-shirt

I saw someone with a funny T-shirt...

Camping in Germany

We went camping in Germany this summer. First with a tent but when it rains in Germany it poors and the tent was no match. So we bought a second hand camper/trailer AFTER our summer holiday was over. Very clever! We did test it for two weekends and it was very comfortable compared to a tent. We can't wait to go camping again next year and really test it to the fullest :)

Also we went to see Landstuhl, Germany where I was born. We went to Ramstein Air Base and tried to locate the house we lived in. It was nice to see everything because I had never been back there before.

Back online

It's been a while since I've posted anything. We've been really busy with a lot of stuff lately. A while ago we went on a tour in a wind mill with the teenagers of our church. It was interesting to see how a wind mill works inside. And surprisingly, eventhough it wasn't video games or a movie, the kids liked it as well!

We've also been to the Red Bull Air Race 2008 in Rotterdam. It was great! Just take a look at the pics. Need I say more?